Celebrating pupils’ success

PUPILS from Lyde Green Primary School, Downend School and Mangotsfield School were among those whose achievements were celebrated at an awards ceremony.

The second annual Castle School Education Trust Celebration saw children from seven schools across South Gloucestershire gather at the University of the West of England Business School lecture theatre at the end of the summer term, to recognise some remarkable achievements.

Among them was Amber Degan, from Lyde Green Primary, who won the CSET award for Living School Values.

The trust said: “She was nominated for always going out of her way to check on other pupils and to put them first, always being ready to learn and being a role model to others, even though she is still just five years old.”

The CSET Team of the Year award went to Mangotsfield School’s Year 11 Netball Team, for their “dedication and tenacity over their five years at school,” which includes unbeaten seasons for two years.

The school said the students had become role models for others.

Downend School pupil Yusuf Al-Habbal won the CSET award for Contribution to the Wider Community.

The trust said he had established a community for Muslim students at the school enabling them to carry out Friday prayers, while making sure they can pray without having their learning

disrupted, adding: “His kindness, attentiveness and gentleness were praised by the school.”

The event also included performances from CSET every school, including a solo guitar performance of Queen songs by a Year 7 student from Mangotsfield and two tunes from a guitar ensemble from Downend School.

CSET chief executive Will Roberts praised all those present.

He said: “It is wonderful to be able to celebrate together what it means to be such a strong community of schools, with a shared vision and values.

“To have such a variety of pupils together, from five to 18 years old, and to celebrate their achievements along with family members, is a great privilege.

“All those invited had already won awards in their own schools for their personal and group achievements, including sporting prowess, environmental action, contributions to the wider community and outstanding personal progress and resilience.

“Those gathered were able to share in some remarkable stories of personal achievement and support of others, often against a background of challenge and adversity.”