Sizzler hit by bad weather – again

LYDE Green’s Summer Sizzler fizzled out as the British weather did its absolute worst, keeping visitors away.

The free fun day at Bristol & Bath Science Park had already been rearranged after a storm hit on its initial date in July, and suffered extreme bad luck on the rearranged date of September 17, when torrential rain meant only a handful of hardy souls turned out.

But organisers Lyde Green Community Association are refusing to be downhearted by the setback – and are already planning next year’s event.

Community centre manager Helen Crew said: “It was perfect when we were setting up but then the wind and rain blew in. You pray to the weather gods and sometimes it goes in your favour, sometimes it doesn’t.”

Despite the horrendous weather a dog show and live performances by HD Dance, covers band The B Sides and teenage singer Amelie Russ, from Downend, went ahead.

Amelie’s performance fulfilled a promise to perform an outdoor concert to raise money for r Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Appeal for Bristol Children’s Hospital.

The 13-year-old Downend School pupil sang a set including songs by Adele and Whitney Houston through a downpour on the event’s mobile covered stage, raising a total of £245 from online sponsorship and cash donations at the event.

Dad Stuart said having to perform as the rain poured down was a “character-building experience” for Amelie, who also had a weather-affected gig at the South Gloucestershire Show in August

But he said she was determined to raise money for the children’s hospital, having been treated for chronic asthma as an inpatient when she was three years old.

Stuart said: “Amelie remembers being in the children’s hospital and afterwards when we drove past she would always refer to it as ‘my hospital’.

“After the performance she was sopping wet but smiling – I gave her a big hug.”

Helen said the community association has already set a date – July 20 – for next year’s event.

There will also be a change of venue to School Square, in the centre of Lyde Green, where there will be indoor space available at the community centre as a fall-back option if it is wet again.

Helen said: “We’re very grateful to all the trustees and volunteers who helped out on the day – we couldn’t do it without them.

“We’re already planning for next year – and looking forward to it.”