Katherine is club’s person of the year

CARSONS and Mangotsfield Cricket Club celebrated a successful season on and off the pitch with an awards ceremony at their annual club dinner at the Pomphrey Hill Pavilion.

Each team nominated their player of the year awards, which reflected some outstanding performances across the club.

The main award for Club Person of year went to Katherine Holbrook.

In presenting the award, club chair Andy King highlighted the work Katherine does behind the scenes, particularly with regards to the youth teams.

Over the course of the season Katherine had taken on a lot of admin work which allowed the youth team coaches to concentrate on coaching the youth players. This also extended to helping the senior sides, as well as getting her sons to games. 

The club also thanked its sponsors for their financial support throughout the year.

The club is always interested in hearing from prospective new players: please email iancoles7@sky.com or sambrayley69@gmail.com if you would like to get involved.

Ian Coles