Join our spin bike challenge

MANGOTSFIELD Community Association kicks off this year’s fundraising for our nominated charities, St Peters Hospice and the Motor Neurone Disease Association, over the Easter weekend.

The Mango-Twickenham-Murrayfield-Dublin-Millenium-Mango 1,189-mile Round Trip Spin Bike Challenge will take place at the Red Lion in Mangotsfield on Saturday and Sunday, March 30-31.

We aim to celebrate the achievements of three sporting legends: Doddie Weir, Rob Burrow and our very own Marcus Stewart.

The virtual route takes us from Mangoland to West London, venturing north to Bonnie Scotland, across the water to Dublin, back to sunny Wales and home to God’s Country, an eye watering total of 1,189 miles – all without leaving the Red Lion.

Taking place from 11am to 8pm each day, the event promises great people and great entertainment for great causes.

Keeping us entertained will be our local DJs, Chris & Nick from the Souled Out and Gone Funky Show.

Our legendary donation BBQ takes place from 2pm to 6pm, weather permitting.

Your village needs you to take part – please sign up and get a sponsorship form at the Red Lion

Mike Heath