May 2024: News from MP Damien Egan

I’M now two months into being your new MP for Kingswood. I have had a steady stream of emails coming into my inbox and am enjoying getting out and about, meeting community groups and doing visits around the constituency.

In Westminster there was a lot of speculation that we might have a General Election in May. In the end we didn’t hear anything from the Prime Minister, so now October or November looks like the most likely time. Some say June – either way, everyone is on stand-by.

Since my last column, I have delivered my maiden speech to Parliament.

From the day you arrive at Parliament people ask about your maiden speech and there’s a lot of pressure.

It’s the first time your new colleagues hear you speak in the chamber, and I wanted to make a good impression and represent Kingswood well.

I came in early to practice, because I was worried my voice wouldn’t be loud enough, but in the end, it was all fine and the microphones pick-up everything anyway. 

As is traditional in a maiden speech, I spoke positively about the previous MP, gave a little history about Kingswood, including some quirky facts – did you know that the old Douglas motorbike factory in Kingswood was, at one time, the largest motorbike factory in the world? 

For the substance of the speech, I spoke about the issues raised on the doorstep that politicians need to address.

I argued that the social media bubble that’s become so dominant doesn’t represent mainstream Britain. People told me they want politicians to sort out access to dentists, the NHS, crime, cost of living, bus cuts, school funding, apprenticeship places, the decline of the high street, immigration and defence spending.

I’ve been enjoying my community visits: I love meeting people, and welcome any invitations to

Last week I went out with our local police to understand their challenges – it was a real eye opener and it’s a tough job.

Today, we have fewer police but more bureaucracy, which means more time behind desks and less police on the street. Levels of violence are higher, particularly with children, and highly organised criminal gangs are taking full advantage of the situation, ruining lives long the way. It’s frightening how quickly things have turned.

On the plus side, a lot of the answers for how to improve come from our rank-and-file officers.

I left the visit with renewed respect and admiration for our local officers, but whoever forms the next government needs to listen and support the police, so they can do their job.